The times I tried to retire from producing music:
- Pre 2021
- Mid 2021
- Pre 2022
And as you can tell, they all failed miserably. But this time, however, will be an official retirement. After finishing my take on the "Jamuary Music Challenge", I will take a half-year break. This is the time for me to focus on graduation. But don't get too excited cuz after the finals, I don't think I will have the mood to make good music immediately. So yeh, see you guys then! Pls don't unfollow me ;-;
Oh don't cry (I know you don't but I'm saying it anyway for... Emotional purposes), I'm still here and there on Twitter, Discord. Heck, I can even draw more if I want. I'm gone but not ded
well thanks for your contribution to my song, jini