the drums should be louder, and for this track I think the snare should have a longer tail
overall, not bad sound designs
the drums should be louder, and for this track I think the snare should have a longer tail
overall, not bad sound designs
you should learn the anatomy of drums (what is the kick, what is the snare, etc)
sweet tom fills, it sets up the theme of the track
but sometimes, you should let it go cuz if there are too many things played at once, it can become a mess (00:55)
nice sound designs
nice vibe
i recommend not compressing so much that it clips
the waveform is limited to the point of clipping so watch out next time
the track the nice sound overall, there should be melody variety tho
the kick is oddly loud and the snare is oddly quiet, lol
i'd like to hear more bass tho
sometimes you should switch up the melody so it doesn't sound boring
also, this isn't techno
groovy riff, the track is nice overall
the drums are too loud tho, resulting in clipping
It is very nice and sweet, the track is dynamic and i love the piano break, i wish that piano part was louder tho
I recommend having some sidechain
I received your feedback well! I will reflect your opinions when making the next song and come back with a better song :> Thank you for listening to my song!
Retired Content Creator.
Age 20, Male
College Student
Viet Nam
Joined on 3/16/18