this is very well-made, it sounds happy and really fitting for an RPG game, although, some notes changed the mood doe, for ex: 00:26, it just odd, other than that, I like the flute and any elements you used
this is very well-made, it sounds happy and really fitting for an RPG game, although, some notes changed the mood doe, for ex: 00:26, it just odd, other than that, I like the flute and any elements you used
Thank you! It's specifically for the game over screen of a party game, so it's kinda menus and setting up your next game. I would love to do the OST for an RPG game :)
i swear to god if this track got used in the next weird ass extreme demon
Thanks :D
the growl is good but it needs some mastering. it overall sounds quite mono, you might need the stereo enchanter to balance the panning.
Now for the general bass, not the growl bass, it sounds weak, or there was none (?). Maybe you should start layering the bass as well. And btw, the kick n clap at 02:02 was overwhelmed by the bass and synths, the clap needs to be louder
no wonder the riddim part was weak. I see. Thanks for the feadback :)
the intro is quite empty, might need some hi-hats or background elements
at 00:15, I get what you're doing, you have a high brass and a mid brass, both play together with different melodies, that's kinda neat, but it would just work if there was nothing too loud, for example, the second intro, with the arp, it sounds really messy
thanks for the feedback homie
WEW LAD! 1k music tracks in 9 years? I'd say thank you for making all of this. You have dedicated so much to music production! What has been your motivation?
Thanks a lot for the kind words!! 10 years actually, 100 tracks a year since 2011 :D
My motivation? I don't know I just love it! It's literally what I do best and like the most in life. I want to try everything I can :D
ehem uh dude, there's some sort of academic flying around here so lets not be together
fair point.
i smell a new producer
how long have you been making music?
ain't gonna criticizing this, talent takes time ;)
but i have to say, use less preset, and add sidechain (search on youtube if you didn't know) next time :)
Started in February. Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do, less presets, more sound design.
I'll try to do some sidechain next time in my songs next year (didn't try to do it last time).
I'll continue to do more sound design.
underrated, definitely needs more attention
Thanks! :)
Retired Content Creator.
Age 20, Male
College Student
Viet Nam
Joined on 3/16/18